Chiropractic Treatment In Redding
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a type of medical therapy that works with the structure of the body, most significantly with the spine, to relieve pain and stiffness, to help in recovery from injury, to help the body heal, and to maintain overall wellbeing.
Some of the conditions that Chiropractic Treatment can help with are:
- back pain
- neck pain
- shoulder pain
- chronic pain
- headaches
- osteoarthritis
- fibromyalgia
- digestion issues
- anxiety
- immune system challenges
- …and more
Chiropractic Services In Redding
If you are looking for Chiropractic Care in the Northern California area, Shasta Orthopaedics has an experienced chiropractor on their team who can help you. Dr. Lance Lollar is their resident chiropractor, and has been providing chiropractic care in the Shasta County area since 1993. Dr. Lollar is passionate about helping his patients get relief from pain, recover from injuries, and get back to optimum health.
Visit the Shasta Orthopaedics website to learn more about Dr. Lollar and the Chiropractic Services he offers.