Invisalign Journey Video Testimonial

Invisalign Journey Video Testimonial

Invisalign Journey Video Testimonial

Verena “gleepface” Hallam’s Invisalign Journey

First question you’re asking yourself, “who is Verena Hallam and what is a ‘gleepface’?” Verena is a blogger from the United Kingdom who has a fashion and beauty blog called Now the second question you’re asking is, “what does Miss Hallam have to do with me?” Well, if you wish your teeth were straighter, or if you’ve considered getting Invisalign, then Verena is your girl.

In 2013, Verena started Invisalign Treatment and has been recording a Vlog – or video blog – of her journey. The videos start in June of 2013 and her latest update was in September of 2014, so you can see over a year’s worth of progress in her teeth. If you have any reservations about the process, or if you’re unsure if the results will be worth it, then her videos will give you some great info. Verena shares everything from her own specific dental issues, to what daily life is like with the aligners, to the amazing changes she sees in her teeth and smile. And if you think Invisalign may not be effective on your crooked teeth, Verena’s story should inspire you as she began her journey with a host of problems from hidden teeth, to a mis-aligned jaw, to headaches and neck pain that were related to her teeth and jaw issues.

Invisalign Journey Part 1

Visit the links below to follow the rest of Verena’s Invisalign Journey:

Invisalign In Redding, Yreka, and Weaverville California

Invisalign In Redding

If you are interested in Invisalign, and located in the Redding, Yreka, or Weaverville areas, then you can visit Schalo Orthodontics to get treatment. Dr. Schalo is a preferred Invisalign provider and can be found on the official website.

To make an appointment with Dr. Schalo, call (530) 223-0460, or visit their website

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