60 Years Of Radiology In California
Posted on
March 12, 2012
in Radiology

California Radiology Services
60 Years Of MD Imaging’s Radiology Services
In 2011, MD Imaging celebrated 60 years of Radiology in the Northern California region.
MD Imaging was founded in 1951 in Redding, California in a downtown office at the corner of Market and Tehama Streets. From the very start over 60 years ago, MD Imaging has been committed to making the latest medical imaging technology available.
Thank You MD Imaging Campaign
To celebrate their 60th anniversary, MD Imaging produced a “Thank You MD Imaging” Video Campaign that featured stories from members of the community whose lives have been touched by MD Imaging’s radiology services.
The following video was the first video in the campaign:
Visit the MD Imaging website to view the entire Thank You MD Imaging Campaign.